Sunday, March 29, 2009

Not a whole lot has changed

Hey guys, not a whole lot new in our neck of the woods. We just came up with a bunch of videos to show you all my sweet skills. As you can see, I have dancing skills, gymnast skills, comedian skills . . . just a lot of skills. I also learned a new word - "do do." No, get your mind out of the gutter, basically if I say "do do" things get done. Like my Jack-in-the-Box, just say "do do" and mama or dada make it "pop" out. I am also experiencing this new thing called "timeouts." Not a big fan. I keep trying various things to see if I'll get a timeout, typically I do. Very frustrating. Basically I can't climb cool things, hit mama or touch cool electronics. Oh, and I can't throw things at the "kitty" either. He likes it, I don't know what the big deal is. Geesh! Anyway, check out my videos and pics and I'll give you an update in about a month with some info on Chaz the Fetus.


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